Total OOP $19.90 tax $11.62 Savings $217.04
Ticked i spent that much darn tax. Not starting this week off very right for not spending money
Sundays trans had to run for a script
4 Dawn $3.88
4 Cocoa Pebbles $10
1 Gillette $7.99
Total $21.87
-$3 Gillette Insert
-$3 Gillette RA flu book
-4 $.75 Pebbles coupons
-4 $.50 Dawn hand rewnewal insert coupons
-$8 UP+
Tax 1.10
Total $3.97
Got back $3 Gillette, 2 $2 Post
And $10 towards the Resolution reward
Trans one
1 Bts Ruler $.79
1 2 pack Earser $.79
2 Pilot Pens $3.66
4 Pantene $14
1 Olay body lotion $7.49
1 body wash $3.74
Total $30.47
-$7 Free lotion WYB body wash
-$2 Olay insert body wash
-$2 Olay body wash ra flu book
-$3/2 Pantene
-2 $3.50 BOGO pantene coupon
-$7 UP+
Tax $2.83
Total $5.30
Got back $2 UP+ for harvard, $4 Pilot UP+, and 2 $1 UP+ Pantene
Trans 2
4 Pilot pens $7.32
1 Gillette Deodorant $7.99
Total $15.31
-$3 Gillette manu
-$3 RA flu book gillette
-$8 UP+
Tax $1.42
Total $2.73
Got back $3 UP+, and 2 $4 UP+
Trans 3
2 Progilde $17.58
-2 $4 Manu
-$11 UP+
Tax $1.42
Total $.21 <-somehow i went negative??
Got back 2 $5 UP+
Trans 4
4 Pantene $14
1 Gillette Deodorant $7.99
Total $21.99
-$3/2 Pantene
-2 $3.50 BOGO pantene coupon
-$3 Gillette manu
-$3 RA flu book gillette
-$5 UP
Tax $2.05
Total $3.04
got back $3 UP+ and 2 $1 UP+
Trans 5
1 Puffs $1.99 (20% off $2.49)
2 Darci wood kits $3.98 (20% off $1.59)
2 Sinex Nquil $10
2 everlast Vitamins $19.99
1 Dawn handrewnal $.97
Total $36.93
-$1.99 Free Puffs WYB 2 Vicks
-$1 Sinex ra flu book coupon reduced
-2 $4 Sinex coupons
-$10 Everlast manu
-$9.99 everlast manu adjusted
-$.50 Dawn manu
-$3 Gillette Manu
-$3 Gillette RA flu book
-$6 UP+
Tax $4.01 <-OUCH
Total $4.65
Got back $2 Nquil, $3 Gillette, and $5 Darice
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