Trans one
14 Toys/Puzzles $10.36
6 Envelopes $6.87
(For some reason two tapes are NO were on my reciept? I watched her scan them?)
tax $1.60
Total $18.83
-$17 UP+
Total $1.83
Got back 14 $2 UP+ and 6 $1 UP+ ($34)
Trans 2 Same store
3 Toys $2.22
2 Halloween Sock $1
Total $3.22
-$3 UP+
Tax $.30
Total $.52
6 back 3$2
Trans 3 second store
3 Dozen Eggs $4.77 (ack making cookies have no eggs at home!!!)
6 tape 4.47
4 airwick candles $11.98
Total $21.22
-4 $3 airwick
-$9 UP+
Tax $1.53
Total $1.75
got back $3 up+. and 6 $1 UP+
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