Transaction one
10 Progresso $15
2 3d kits $4.78
1 Olay body wash $7.49
1 olay lotion $2.99 (It switched the lotion to being cheaper then the body wash grrr) (Ack I paid $2.70! for these!)
Total $30.26
-5 $1/2 Progresso from safeway books
-$5/2 3d kit video value
-$4.79 Free Lotion wyb body wash (she did my 20% off not my shelf price )
-$2 Olay insert coupon
-$.99 RA flu book body wash adjusted down
-$12 UP+
Tax $1.33
Total $1.81
$15 towards the UP+ resoultion reward
Got back $5 UP+, 10 $1 UP+
Trans 2
10 Nive Lip $20
1 harvard pencil $.79
1 Ruler $.79
1 Mouse $2.99
1 Olay body wash $8.99
1 Lotion $2.99
Total $33.56
-$4.79 buy one bodywash get one lotion free
-$2 Olay body wash RA book
-$2 Insert olay coupon
-5 Buy one get one nivea lip
-2 $2/2 Nivea LIp
-$14 UP+
Tax $3.40
Total $3.16
$20 Towards resolution reward
Got back $2 UP+, $5 UP+, $10 UP+
Trans 3
4 nabisco crackers $3.80
2 2 packs pilot pens $3.66
2 Darci Sticker books $2.04
1 Olay body wash $8.99
1 Lotion $2.99
Total $21.48
-$4.79 buy one bodywash get one lotion free
-$2 Olay body wash RA book
-$2 Insert olay coupon
-2 $1/2 Nabisco IP
-$10 UP+
Tax $1.65
Total $2.36
Got back $5 UP+ and $4 UP+
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