Trans 1
1 gerber cookies $2
1 gerbers crunchies $2.19
9 cheetos $13.41
2 pedialyte $11.98
4 Ziploc containers $7.96
Total 37.56<- freaked me out
-$5.99 bogo peialyte
-$1.50/1 pedialyte
-4 $1/1 ziploc containers tearpad
-3 $2.99 buy 2 get one cheeto tearpad autoed
-2 $2 Ziploc ONYO
Total $13.08
got back 2 $2 ONYO, and $1.50 ONYO
Trans 2
10 2 ltrs $8.30
5 ziploc containers $9.95 <- messed up needed six grrr
Total $18.85
-2 $2 ONYO
-$1.50 ONYO
-$1.50/2 ziploc
-3 $1/1 ziploc container tearpad
-5 $1/2 pepsi 2 ltr tear pads
Total $3.25
Got back 2 $2 onyo
Trans 1
1 Fusion $9.89
3 John frieda $15
2 butterfingers $1
Total $25.89
-$4 fusion
-3 $3 John Frieda
-$10 neutrogena
-$2.50 Kotex
Total $.39+2.31 Tax=2.70
got back $5 fusion $5 John Frieda
Trans 2
2 Jergens $9.98
1 Notebook $1.39
1 Butterfinger $.50
Total 11.87
-$5 John frieda
-2 $2 insert coupons
-$2 rr
Total $.87 + $1.06 tax=1.93
Trans 3
3 Johns Frieda $15
4 butter finger $2
-2 $3 insert
-1 $2 insert
-$5 Jergens
-$2 rr
Subtotal ZERO DOLLARS! OMG +1.40 tax
1 Infant tyonel $1.92
1 Dermacare $3.42
2 pampers wipes $3.94
1 Childrens tyonel $3.42
1 Pullups wipes $1.72
2 Dental Floss $1.94
4 Dental Floss $7.88 <- Ugh i paid for floss should have compared upcs GRR 2 Adam Collars $1.94 4 Toothbrush holders $3.88 1toothbrus $1.93 1 childrens motrion $4 1 hair tie $3.67 <- grr wags only had headbands:( 1 big back crackers $1.94 1 big tooth comb $2 Total $43.35 -6 $1/1 Floss reach -2 $3/1 Adams coupon -2 $2/1 pampers -1 $1/1 Pullups Total $26.35 Rite Aid
trans 1
I travel J&H lotion $1.19 ($1.49->20% off)
2 Old Spice $7
Total $8.19
-$3 in ad coupon
-$3.50 Bogo Old Spice
Total $1.69
Got back UP+
Trans 2
I travel J&H lotion $1.19 ($1.49->20% off)
2 Old Spice $7
1 Seabreeze $4.23 ($5.29 ->20%off was greater then sale price
Total $12.72
-$3 in ad coupon
-$3.50 Bogo Old Spice
-$4 up+ rewards
Total $.92
$4 UP+ Rewards Recieved
Trans 3
Trans 2
I travel J&H lotion $1.19 ($1.49->20% off)
3 Old Spice $10.5
1 belt 2.99
Total $14.68
-$3 in ad coupon
-$3.50 Buy 2 get one Old Spice
-$4 up+ rewards
Total $4.18
$4 UP+ Rewards Recieved
Trans 4
Trans 2
I travel J&H lotion $1.19 ($1.49->20% off)
2 Old Spice $7
1 kids toothbrush $2.39 ($2.99->20% off)
1 Cheeze balls containeter $.80 ($1->20% off)
Total $11.38
-$3 in ad coupon
-$3.50 Bogo Old Spice
-$4 up+ rewards
Total $.88
$4 UP+ Rewards Recieved
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