2 spot shot $5.98
6 kotex $6.12
2 kandoo $2.98
6 arm n hammer $5.82
3 guaze $4.71
1 j&J first aid kit bag $4.69
Total $30.30
-3 $.75 johnson insert coupons
-$4.69 free kit when you buy 3 johnsons
-3 $2.50 A&H not adjusted
-2 $2 Spot shot all you qs
-2 $1/1 Kandoo insert
-3 $1.50/2 kotex insert coupons
Total $5.36 + tax $2.38 (OUCH) Total $7.74 $6.16 on gift cards previously actual cost $1.58
wags 6/20&6/21
Trans one
1 renu $6.49
2 old spice $8.98
1 butter finger $.50
Total $16.97
-bogo os bw $4.49
-$10 neutrogena rr
-$2 renu sensitve
Total $.48
Tax $1.53
Total $2.01
Recieved $7.50 &$4.50 rr
trans 2
1 aleve 6 ct $1.49
2 Neutrogena soap $6.58
1 lip balm $3.49
Total $11.56
-3 $1.50
-$6 nivea
Total $1.06
Tax $1.08
Total $2.14
Trans 3
Can't find recipet got three soaps and a butter finger
Trans four second store
1 renu $6.49
2 old spice $8.98
1 butter finger $.50
Total $16.97
-bogo os bw $4.49
-$10 neutrogena rr
-$2 renu sensitve
Total $.48
Tax $1.53
Total $2.01
Recieved $7.50 &$4.50 rr
Tran one-she missed 3 butterfingers make sense why the $7.50 i will have to pay for these later this week
2 os $8.98
1 Herbal $2.99
Total $11.97
-$4 rr
- bogo body wash 4.49
Total $2.48
Tax $1.11
Total $3.59
Recieved $4.50 and $2 rr
Trans 3-5
1 herbal $2.99
1 Wags Soda $.39
Total $3.38
-$1 coupon
Total .38
total $.69
Recieved $2 rr
Trans 6-9
1 herbal $2.99
1 highlighter $.29
Total $3.29
-$1 coupon
Total .28
total $.59
Recieved $2 rr
Trans 10
1 Herbal $2.99
1 Fusion set $9.89
1 Wags soda $.39
Total $13.27
-$7.50 rr
-$4 fusion
-$1 herbal
Total $.77
Tax $1.23
Total $2
Recieved $5 rr, $2 rr and a bag!!!
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