Rite aid
Trans 1
1 huggies $8.99
1 OS Swagger $2.99
4 ivory soap $3.96
1 old spice deodorant $2.49
1 herbal essence $2.49
Total $20.92
-$2.99 buy one deo get one body wash free
-$2 Herbal essence P&G coupon
-4 $.50 ivory soap
-$2.50 Pure and naturals IP
-$1 Huggies video value
-$4 Oldspice UP+
Total $1.43
Recieved $1 up rewards
Qualifedfor $1.50 scr twice
Trans 2
1 huggies $8.99
1 Pantne $3.50
1 M&M $.79
Total $13.58
-$8.99 RA free huggies
-$1 up+
-$2 Pantene P&G ra book
-$1 viedo value
Total $.29
Tax $1.24
Total $1.53
Got UP+ $1
7 dial soaps $7
2 Kleenex $2
1 Lysol wipes $2.50
1 Safeway bread $1.69-grr grabbed wrong one not pictured
Total $33.19
-$.21 kleenex coupon in ad
-$.71 lysol coupon in ad
-$2 Mom to mom Cat
-10 $1/2 Nesquick
-7 $.35 Dial coupons
-4 $3 ONYO
-$1/2 Kleenex
-$1/1 Lysol wipes
-2 $2 ONYO
Total $2.16+$.98 tax Total $3.14
32 items at $.098 each:atnight:
Savings $55.82 or 95%!!
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