Got some killer deals
Trans 1
1 Tide Stain Release $12.99
-50% off $6.50
-$3 P&G insert coupon
-$3 E-coupon
3 loafs of bread Not pictured
Total $3.46 + tax (no reciept i left it there grr)
Trans 2
2 Pedialyte $5.98
-2 50% off for $3 each
-2 $1.50 Fred meyer Catilana thansk gingersnap)
2 Tide Stain Realease $25.98
-2 50% off for $6.50 each
-2 $3 Stain Release insert
2 Tide Stain release powders $14.98
-2 50% off for $3.75 each
-2 $3 Stain Release insert
1 Downy $4.99
-$.50 e-coupon
-$2.50 Home mailer vocal point
5 Colgate $5
-5 $.75 <-ugh thought it was a $1 oh well good for food bank
1 Olay 2 pack $2.49
-$.50 e coupon
-$1.50 Insert coupon
2 Luna bars $2
-$1/2 Fred meyer cat
10 X-14 Toliet cleaner $10
-10 $1/1 X-14
3 Trop 50 $11.97
-2 50% off at $2 <- FLIP she missed one I had to have them refund $3 for pedialyte 50% off dang it
-3 $1 Trop 50 safeway book
Tax $3.99
Total $26.6 <-with $3 Refund
got back $1.50 ONYO for pedialyte
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