I recently was selected by Buzzagent to do a campaign for http://stylefind.com. It is free to create an account. And I have to say this will be a favorite tool of mine for finding hot deals for a LONG time!!
The first time I logged in I was at first just blown away by the prices!! I realize they were designers but I am used to the target price range and the second hand stores. One income house this is mainly all we can afford.
The second time I logged in thats when I figured out the site for real. So if you suffer from sticker shock this is the first thing you need to do. After you open your category click on the on sale or under $100. Then you can pick your price range so you don't overspend on an impulse. I promise even in $0-$25 with free shipping I found rocking shirts I want!!
What else is great after you do the sale thing is you cna click on color!!! I wear mainly black or blue tops so that made it way easy to look through and see what they have available in my colors and for lower end of cost for a high end product.
Then to make this site even more amazing they have coupons on it!!! Yes coupons on a style site!!! They were good for so many different retailers its awesome!!! To make it even better they have member only deals that are kinda like Savemore deals but for beauty items it looked like!!
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