My friend an FL here went with. She did several runs for me. Most these will be donated (Well almost all actually) My total OOP was $6.96 with a savings of $113.89 Left with $6 on meat will get $4 more meat at least and possibly $2 ONYO
her totals for the four runs she did was 4 for the HH and got back $8 for the meat from those!!!
Trans one
10 Hamburger helper $10
1 Soy Soauce $2.19
2 Kotex liners $2.58
Total $14.77
-$5 WYB 10 items
-$1.50/2 kotex
-2 $1/5 Hamburger helper
- $1/1 Soy Sauce IP
-$3 In TVQ
Total $2.42
Got back 35 Box tops and $2 on meat
Calling on a $2 Kotex ONYO got the announcement but no cat
Trans 2
10 Hamburger helper $10
1 Whonu Cookie $2.50
Total $12.5
-$5 WYB 10 items
-2 $1/5 Hamburger helper
- $1/1 Whonu
-$3 In TVQ
Total $1.50
Got back 35 Box tops and $2 on meat
Trans 3
10 Hamburger helper $10
1 Velvetta Dinner $1.99
Total $11.99
-$5 WYB 10 Items
-$1/1 Velvetta dinner coupon
-2 $1/5 Hamburger helper
-$3 In TVQ
-$.09 Tax?
Total $.90
Got back no cats calling tomorrow
Trans four
10 Hamburger helper $10
1 Soy Sauce $2.19
Total $12.19
-$5 WYB 10 items
-$1/1 Soy Sauce
-2 $1/5 Hamburger helper
-$3 In TVQ
-$.09 Tax?
Total $1.10
Got back no cats calling tomorrow
Trans five
10 Hamburger helper $10
1 Soy Sauce $2.19
Total $12.19
-$5 WYB 10 items
-$1/1 Soy Sauce
-2 $1/5 Hamburger helper
-$3 In TVQ
Total $1.19
Got back 35 Box tops and $2 on meat
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