1 Super hero battle splash $5
Polly pocket case $5
1 Slip and slide $3.50
1 Tonka chuck with dvd $3.50
1 Big little pet shop ice cream shop $5
1 little pet shop $2
3 little polly pockets $6
1 Handy manny workshop $7.50 <-christmas!!!!
1 polly pocket $3
1 scriblish $15
1 Dora toy set $3
Not pictured
5 Loreal kids shampoo $10
-5 $.75/1
-5 $.75 doubled
Tax $7.70
Total $86.70
Reciept says i saved $86.20
I almost got that Handy Manny thing and the Tag storage case too! But I think the Handy Manny is cheaper at Target once its 75% off... if not I might go back for it at Kmart. :)