Trans 1
4 Hartz Crunch n clean $11.96
2 Funnels $1.90
2 Colgate $5.90
2 Special K $3.83 (bogo raincheck and the first rang up for $3.83)
Total $23.59
-$3.83 Bogo Special K IP
-4 $2 Crunch N clean insert coupons
-2 $.75 Colgate coupons
-9.97 in UP+
Tax $1.84
total $2.13
got back 4 $1 Hartz UP+, 4 $1 UP+ Pet, 2 $2 Colgate, and $2 UP+ for auto
Trans 2
2 dryers $5.98
1 M&M $.50
-$6 UP+
Total $.48
got back 2 $2 UP+
Trans 3
1 Funnel $.71
1 Funnel $.95
1 Ceasar softies $2.99
1 Busy Bone $2.99
1 Beggin Strips $2.99
1 Hartz clean and crunch $2.99
Total $13.62
-$2.99 Free busy bone wyb beggin strips
-$1 All you coupon hartz
-$2 Ceasar insert coupon
-$1 Beggin Insert coupon
-$6 UP+
Tax $1.27
Total $1.90
Got back $2 UP+ for auto, $1 UP+ Hartz, and 4 $1 UP+ Pet
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