I remember now why i do smaller trans at walmart much easier to catch little mitsakes
9 Shick razors $17.73
1 24 pack Diet pepsi $5.48
4 Nesquick $4.32
8 Pineapples $6.08
2 Dinosaurs $2 (not pictured they were bribes)
1 Swim ring $1 (grr was supposed to be $.75)
1 Newspaper $1 <- i know no inserts but i have to have a hard copy ra/wags/fm ad to write on)
5 Nexcare bandaids $7.50 (I have no adult bandaids or big ones) Grr charged one extra
1 Kids benedrayl equate brand $3.18
4 Blue bonnet butter/margine sticks $2.96
1 Country crock honey butter $.98 (man looked good!!)
1 All You $2.24
4 Minute rice single serves $8.32
1 floatie arm bands $.50
1 Equate kids motrin $3.17
1 Challenge whip butter $1.
9 red hot franks sauce $8.64
Total $76.90 <-omg i was hoping for under 50 out the door panicked!)
-5 $2 Shick
-4 $3 Shick (overage given)
-4 $1 Minute Rice
-9 $.50 Franks Red Hot
-4 $.50/2 Dole Pinapple
-4 $1 Nexcare
-2 $1/2 Nes quick
Total $39.14
tax $3.98
final cost $43.12
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