Got some trips done some learning lessons. Our rrs don't take off pretax total meaning we pay all of tax they don't lower the pretax total.
First transaction:
2 Triaminic Strips 10
3 Knee highs .75
was SUPPOSED to be a thermacare but she didn't ring it up
Total 10.75
Tax 1.00
-6 triamnic
-1 thermacare---makes sense now why she had to override
-2 kraft rr
Total after 2.75
Received $5 rr
makes sense now why it wouldn't take another 2 rr and also why my thermacare rr didn't print
Second transaction
3 Kotex $9
2 Holiday candy .78
Total 9.78
-2/2 kotex
-1/1 kotex
-5 Triamnic rr
Tax was .84
Total with tax 2.01
Received $4rr
Third Transaction
2 Triaminic $10
Knee high .25
Total 10.25
-6 triamnic
-4 kotex rr
Total with tax 1.2
Tax .95
Recieved $5rr
Fourth Transaction
Nivea hydrating 4.99
Knee high .25
Total 5.24
-2 nivea womens body wash
-2 kraft
Total 1.73 Tax .49
Recieved $2rr
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