Had hubby with so i got quite a few transactions done
So in summary i bought 34 Granola bars, 30 Cereal, 10 Knorr sides, 4 yogurts, 5 syrups, and one canister of oatmeal for .46 an item:) A grand total 36.46 with a savings of 278.12
trans 1
1 easter egg $.79
4 quaker granola bars $6.4
1 canister quaker oats $1.6
5 Captain crunch $8
1 Danimals yogurt $2.49
Total $19.28
-2 $1Quaker Gronala bar coupons
-$3/5 quaker coupon
-$3 albertsons doubles
-$6 buy 5 save $3 store promotion
Total $4.68
Total coupon savings $9
Total Savings with store promotions $40.40
Trans 2
5 Quaker granola bar $8
1 Danimal Four pack $2.49
Total $10.49
-2 $1/2 Granola bar coupon
-$1 danimal coupon
-$3 Twice the value coupon
-$3 n store promtion when buy five quaker products
Total $1.49
Total coupons 6
Total Savings $18.75
Trans 3
5 Syrups $10
20 Captain crunch $32
10 Granola bars $16
1 Danimals Yogurt $2.49
Total $60.49
-$1/Danimals Yogurt
-2 $1/2 Granola Bars
-6 $3/5 Products
-$3 Twice the Value
-$21 for store product when you buy 5 save $3
Total $15.49
Coupons- $24
Total Savings $132.95
Trans 4
4 Pasta Sides $4
2 Rice Sides $2
5 Crunch Berries $8
15 Granola Bars $24
Total $38
-$12 Store promotion save $3 when you buy 5
-3 $.60 Knorr Sides manu
-$12 -4 $3/5 Quaker coupon
-$1.80 Three twice the value coupons
Total $10.40
Total Savings $76.34
Trans Five
4 Pasta Sides $4
1 Danimals smoothie clearance $1.97
Total 5.97
-2 $.60 Pasta Side coupons
-1 $1 Danimals Yogurt
-$3 Twice the Value coupons
Total 1.57
Coupons 4.40
total savings $9.68