Yup dd bringing mommy a diet pepsi!! not pictured is the USB drive was in the van
1 chair $29.99
1 8gb drive $9.99
2 Stickies notes $1
2 glue stick packs $1
2 Staples paper $11.98
3 Crayola markers $2.97 <-Price match wags
4 8 Pack Expos $15.96 <-price match wags
2 5 tab hanging file $13.98 <-much needed to organize filing cabinet
3 Elmer glue $.87
Total $87.74 <-ohhhh
-$55.20 Rewards
-$10/$50 Recycle bank IP
-$2/2 Expo ip
Tax $2.10 <-Woot not sure how that got so freaking low!!!
Total $24.64
Now I have to take my reciept back cause she forgot to scan my 15% pass. Today was a joke as it had to be voided twice already. But they couldn't adjust this week but can next week? Man should be interesting. Should get back at least $3.38 from that
Savings $89.16 Not counting the reward as savings as that was paid for on cases of paper
will get back $10 rebate Check for the chair and $7.98 for the paper
Not to shabby since we desperately need a chair for dds desk/other office desk and the file things for the filing cabinet!!! Win-win ready for next weeks ad!!!!