Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Amazon Huggies wipes $.02 a wipe!!!
Was $26.67
NOW $17.78
Subscribe and save and earn more with Amazon mom $12.45 just $.02 a wipe!! Also will extend your amazon mom Membership
Post contains Affiliate links
Fred meyer 5/31
Trans one
4 J&J Gauze $7.16
3 Sippy Cup 2 pack $20.97
1 Single Sippy Cup $4.99
4 Whiskas Cat food $2.40
Total $35.52
-$.15 Bag credit
-2 $3/2 J&J Blinkie coupon
-$10 ONYO
-2 $.60 B1G1 insert coupons
Tax $3.30
Total $21.47
Got back $1 ONYO and $10 ONYO
Trans 2
Produce $11.27
6 Milk Half gallons $10.50
1 6 pack cupcakes $1.79 mark down
3 Loaves of bread $2.97
4 Whiskas Cat food $2.40
1 Quilted Northern $8.99
1 Bounty Paper towesl $4.99 <-Subsituted for brawny in ad coupon warehouse out
Total $42.91
-$6 Wic check for produce
-$.20 bag credit
-$3 in ad milk coupon
-2 $.60 B1g1 whiskas cat food
-$2/2 Produce purchase Fred Meyer Rewards
-$2 E coupon for Quilted Northern
-$2/2 Paper good purchase Fred Meyer Rewards
-$1 ONYO from Trans one
-$10 ONYO From Trans one
Tax $.97
Total $12.48
Got back $1 ONYO
Trans 3
4 Whiskas Cat food $2.40
-2 $.60 B1g1 whiskas cat food
-$1 ONYO from Trans two
Tax $.22
Total $.42
Got back $1 ONYO
Safeway 5/31
Trans one
4 toothbrushes $7.32
-2 $2/2 reach toothbrush insert coupons
-$2 ONYO
Tax $.68
Total $2
got back $4 ONYO
Trans 2
4 Reach Toothbrushes $7.32
1 Purina one cat food $2.79
Total $10.11
-$4 ONYO
-$2 Purina cat food
-2 $2/2 Reach
Tax $.94
Total $1.05
Got back $4 ONYO
Trans 3
4 Reach Toothbrushes $7.96
1 Purina one cat food $2.79
Total $10.75
-$4 ONYO
-$2 Purina cat food
-4 $1/1 Reach
Tax $1
Total $1.75
Got back $4 ONYO
Albertsons 5/31
Total OOP $7.85 Savings $46.77
Trans 1
6 Ajax dish soap $6
1 Trop 50 $.99 bonus buy
Total $6.99
-3 $1/2 Ajax insert coupon
-$3 TVQ
Tax $.56
Total $1.55
Trans 2
1 Fruitables $2.79
2 Ajax $2
1 Luna Bar $1
Total $5.79
-$1/1 Fruitables coupon
-$1/2 Ajax coupon
-$.50 Luna bar
-$2.50 Tvq
Tax $.19
Total $.98
Trans 3
2 Fruitables $5.58
2 Ajax $2
Total $7.58
-2 $1/1 Fruitables
-$1/2 Ajax
-$3 TVQ
Tax $.19
Totla $1.77
Trans 4
2 Ajax $2
1 Trop 50 $.99 Bonus buy
1 Luna bar $1
1 Rhodes Rolls $2.99
Total $6.98
-$1/2 Ajax coupon
-$.50 Luna bar coupon
-$1/1 Rhodes coupon
-$2.50 TVQS
Tax $.19
Total $2.17
Trans 5
3 Fruitables $8.37
-3 $1/1 Fruitables
-$3 TVQS
Total $2.37
Monday, May 30, 2011
Safeway 5/30
Trans one I hate the new reciepts!!!
2 Viva $9.98 Rainchecked
4 Reach Toothbrushes $7.96
1 Package Steak $7.24
1 Package of steak $8.88
1 Package of steak $5.29
1 Loaf of bread $.99
1 Danino yogurt $1.99
Total $39.68
-$2/$15 Ranchers reserve coupon from sunday ad
-2 $1/1 Viva Paper towels
-2 $2/2 toothbrush coupon
-$3.62 50% off steak
-$4.44 50% off steak
-$2.65 50% off steak
-$4 ONYO
Total $20.54
Got back 2 $4 ONYO
Total Savings $35.11 or 64%
Trans 2 at store two First was out of soda
10 12 packs of coke products $27.96 (buy 2 get 3 free)
3 Toothbrushes $5.49
-2 $2/2 Reach Toothbrushes <-realizing we missed one explained why this coupon beeped
-5 $.25/1 Sunny D coupon
-2 $4 ONYO
Tax $3.58
Total $18.78
Got back $2 ONYO
Savings $71.52 Or 82%
Ra Trip 5/30
Total OOP $24.07 Savings $106.07 Still have $20 in ups gotta call for $4.99 more
Trans one
1 RenuPure $4.99
2 Copper Tone $15.98
Total $20.97
-$4/2 Coppertone from albertsons book
-$2 Copper tone ra coupon
-$1 Coppertone vv
-$10 UP+
Tax $.74
Total $1.71
Got back $4.99 UP+ and 2 $2 UP+
Trans 2
2 Huggies $17.94
1 Renupure $4.99
Total $22.93
-2 $3 IP Huggies
-$13 in ups
-$2 SCR check from april
Tax $1.85
Total $.78
Got back $4.99 Renpure UP+
Trans 3
2 Huggies $17.94
1 M&M $.50
Trans one
2 J&J First aid kit $3.98
1 J&J First Aid kit case $4.99
5 Ecotrin $17.95
2 Wipes $11.98
1 Pencil $.39
1 Icy Hot $.99
-$4.99 free first aid kit wyb 2 J&J
-$1/2 J&J insert coupon
-$.99 Icy hot coupon adjusted down
-5 $1.50 Ecotrin coupons insert
-$13 Ecotrin in ad coupon
- $1/2 Huggies wipes insert coupon
-$4 Huggies baby book coupon
-$4 rr
-$2 rr
Tax $1.98
Total $2.78
Total Savings $44.48
Trans 2
2 Dry Idea deodorants $4.99
-$4.49 bogo coupon
Tax $.46
Total $.96
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Safeway Trip 5/27
1 Danimals Yogurt $1.99
1 Danino yogurt $1.99
1 2% milk gallon $2.59
4 Toothbrushes kids $7.96
2 Loaves of bread $1.98
1 3lb strawberries $3.99
3 Popsicle $5.97
Total $26.47
-2 $1 50% off yogurt
-4 $1/1 kids reach insert coupon
-$2 e-coupon for Popsicle
4 1/2 star rated Gaiam Baby Ready Yoga Kit!!!
Was $49.98
Now $16.03
Ships free with prime or a $25 order
Savings of $ 33.95 or 68%!!!!!
Even just for the yoga mat this is a great deal!!! Would even make a great baby shower gift to new moms!!
This post contains affiliate links
5 star Guts and Butts Save 73% Ships free!!!
WAS $113.95
NOW $30.63
SAVE $83.32!!! 73% Off list price!!!!!!!
Just for all the exercise accessories this includes its a stellar deal!!!! And the name made me giggle to!!!!
This post contains Affiliate Links
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Earths best Organic baby food as low as $.43 a jar!!!!! 5 star rated!!!
Okay if you are not amazon mom you have no idea what you are missing out on! This is a great deal to get your started in amazon mom and cheap baby food that's even ORGANIC!! I have used this baby food for my children and they loved it when they were little!! We still have stage three apples on hand and bananas to give them when we have to mix meds!! This would make a AMAZING baby shower gift for you stockpile as well!!!
Earths best organic 1st fruit starter kit. Will come with an assortment of flavors.
12jars are in the pack. Its on sale for $6.33.
However if you subscribe and save you will get it for $5.19 or $.43 a jar and with amazon mom it will be shipped free!! Best part no dragging baby to the supermarket
Earths best organic 1st vegetable starter kit. Will come with an assortment of flavors.
12jars are in the pack. Its on sale for $6.36.
However if you subscribe and save you will get it for $5.41 or $.45 a jar and with amazon mom it will be shipped free!! Best part no dragging baby to the supermarket
Earth's Best stage 2 Vegatable starter kit
12jars are in the pack. Its on sale for $10.60
However if you subscribe and save you will get it for $9.01 or $.75 a jar and with amazon mom it will be shipped free!! Best part no dragging baby to the supermarket
This post contains Affiliate links
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Fred Meyer 5/25 holy sippy cups!!!!!!
Trans one
6 Razors $11.94
3 Banana Boat $26.97
Total $38.91
-6 $2 razors hang tag coupon
-3 $4 Banana boat coupons
-$9.76 Fred meyer rewards
Tax $3.62
Total $8.72
Got back $10 ONYO
Trans 2
3 Banana Boat 26.67
-3 $4 Banana boat coupons
-$10 ONYO
Tax $2.51
Total $7.48
Got back $10 ONYO
Trans 3
4 Single sippy cups $19.96
1 double pack $6.99
Total $26.95
-$10 ONYO
Tax $2.51
Total $19.41
Got back $10 ONYO
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Albies doubles run 5/24
Hubbys Transactions
Trans one and two
3 Rhodes Rolls $6
1 Baker Item $.79
-3 $1/1 Rhodes rolls insert coupons
-$3 TVQS
Total $.79
My morning trans. camera ate the picture? DS had dental work this am and was a champ so the ice cream was his bribe/reward as well as mcds
Trans one and two
2 Lawry's Marinade $2
1 Tyson Nuggets $4.99
Total $6.99
-$1/1 Tyson tear pad
-2 $.50/1 Lawry's Marinade
-$2 in TVQS
Total $2.99
Trans 3
1 Lawry's Marinade $1
1 Drumstick $2.99
1 Popsicle pop $1
1 Tyson $4.99
Total $9.98
-$.50 Lawry's Marinade insert
-$1/1 Drumstick all you coupon
-$1/1 Tyson Tear pad
-$2.50 TVQ
Total $4.98
This is the haul minus the tyson this afternoon. They were thawing out way to fast
Trans one
2 Weber Seasoning $3.98
2 Kraft Dressing $3
Total $6.98
-$1/2 Kraft Dressing insert coupon
-2 $1/1 Weber Seasoning Insert coupon
-$2.98 TVQS
Total $1
Trans 2
1 zone bar $1
1 Luna bar $1
1 Tyson $4.99
Total $6.99
-$.50 zone bar
-$.55 Luna bar
-$1 Tyson Tear pad coupon
-$2.05 TVQ
Total $2.89
Trans 3
21 Koolaid packets $5.25
2 Weber Seasonings $3.98
1 Luna bar $1
Total $10.23
-2 $1/1 Weber seasoning
-$.50 luna bar insert coupon
-$1.25 buy 10 get five koolaid free
-2 $.25 buy 2 get one free koolaid
-$2.50 TVQ
Total $3.48
Trans 4
2 Kraft Dressing $3
1 zone bar $1
1 Luna bar $1
Total $4
-$.50 zone bar
-$.55 Luna bar
-$1 Tyson Tear pad coupon
-$2. TVQ
Total $.95
Trans 5
1 KC masterpiece BBQ $2 <-was tagged $2.49?
1 zone bar $1
1 Luna bar $1
Total $4
-$.50 zone bar
-$.55 Luna bar
-$KC masterpiece insert coupon
-$1.95 TVQ
Total $0 <-never done that cashier got ticked that i was getting it all free. Why i combine cheap with free
Trans 6
2 Rhodes Rolls $4
1 Tyson Chicken $4.99
Total $8.99
-2 $1 Rhodes rolls insert coupons
-$1/1 Tyson nuggets
Total $2.99
Trans 7
2 KC Master piece BBQ $4
1 Tyson Nugget $4.99
Total $8.99
-2 $1/1 KC masterpiece insert coupon
-$1/1 Tyson tear pad
-$3 TVQs
Total $2.99
Trans 8
2 KC Master piece BBQ $5.38 <-GRRR not the same as the other store oh well
1 Tyson Nugget $4.99
Total $10.37
-2 $1/1 KC masterpiece insert coupon
-$1/1 Tyson tear pad
-$3 TVQs
Total $4.37
Trans 9
1 Zone bar $1
2 Tyson nuggets $9.98
1 Bakery Rolls $2.69
Total $13.67
-$.55 zone bar
-2 $1/1 Tyson tear pad
-$2.55 tvq
Total $8.57
Monday, May 23, 2011
My new baby trend sit and stand!!!
DD in front is almost two.
This is looking down on the stroller with the kids
Michael was pushing the girls. My tall six year old was able to sit comfortably!!
And we got all three kids in!! The platform Michael is standing on flips up on the basket so when both wanted to walk it flipped right up (It was noisy with no feet on it but way simple!!)
And the best part look how thin it is!! We did a 2.33 mile walk today with it no problems!! All three kids road it (Though it probably isn't supposed to be that way)
Five star rated baseball card pages on amazon!!!! 4 1/2 stars
100 pages $17.11 ($.17 a page)
FIVE star rated!!!!!
Shipped free with prime
25 pages $6.48 (.$28 a page)
Shipped free with prime
100 Pages for $16.99 ($.17 a page)
Step 2 water table 4 1/2 stars!!!
Now $36.98
Save $6.01!
Ships free with prime!!
4 1/2 Stars!!
I personally have this table and it is amazing!!! My oldest is six and my youngest is almost 2. She played with it last year to!!! We have put shaving cream in the water and they have an absolute blast with it!!
(And cause I am a mommy who can pass a chance to share)
Bring on the grill trip 5/23
Trans one and two
2 Kraft dressing $3
4 Lawrys marinade $4
Total $7
-2 $1/2 marinade insert coupons
-$1/2 Kraft insert coupon
-$3 TVQ
Total $1
Trans 3
2 Lawrys $2
6 Sweet Baby Rays $6
Total $8
-$1/2 Lawrys insert coupon
-2 $1/3 Sweet Baby rays
-$3 TVQ
Total $2
Trans 4
9 Sweet Baby Rays $9
-4 $1/3 Sweet Baby rays
-$3 TVQ
Total $3
Trans 5
15 koolaids $3.75
6 Lawrys Marinades $6
Total $9.75
-$1.25 buy 10 get 5 koolaid packs free
-3 $1/2 Lawrys insert coupon
-$3 TVQ
Total $2.50
wags 5/23
Rite Aid 5/23
Total OOP $22.96 (Tax was $6.12) Total savings $86.98 walked out still with $20 in ups (More then i went in with!!)
Trans 1
5 Powerades $5
1 Spiderman notebook $.57
4 Suave lotion $10
2 Dixie Plates $3.99
Total $19.56
- 1 $1 For bogo powerade ip
-4 $1/1 Suave Lotion
-$2/2 Dixie Video Value
-$1/2 Dixie ultra manu from albies book
-$7 in ups
Tax $1.54
Total $2.10
Got back $1 ups for powerade and $3 ups for lotion
Trans 2
4 Coloring books $6.36
4 Candles $10
1 bengay $4.79
Total $21.15
-$2 bengay manu
-2 $1/2 Glade candles magazine coupon
-$1/2 galde candles vv
-$2/$10 spring cleaning vv
-$6 in ups
Tax $1.69
Total $4.84
Got back 2 $1 ups for glade and 4 $1 ups for books
Trans 3
2 Sippy cup $10.78
1 Sippy cup $6.39
1 Sippy cup $4.39
Total $21.56
-4 $1/1 insert coupons for playtex
-$6 in ups
Tax $1.76
Total $10.72
Was at 21.96 for the playtex and $19.79 for ww
Trans 4
1 Bengay $4.39
Sippy cup $4.39
Total $8.78
-$1/1 VV
-$2 in ad bengay
-$2 manu coupon
Tax $.72
Total $4.50
Got back $10 UP+
Was at $24.17 for WW
Trans 5
1 bengay $4.39
-$2 in ad bengay
-$2 manu coupon
Tax $.41
total $.80
Got back $10 UP+ for ww
Saturday, May 21, 2011
safeway 5/20
Trans one
4 Reach toothbrushes $7.48
-2 $2/2 insert coupons
2 Viva Papertowels $13.98
-$4 in ad coupon <-took off $2 more then it should have?
-2 $1/1 coupons from albertsons book
-2 $4 ONYO from previous order
Tax $1.62
Total $5.08
Got back 1 $4 ONYO gonna call about the one for Viva
Savings $24.49 or 88%
Trans 2
10 24 packs of pepsi products $50
-5 $2/2 pepsi moments to saver insert coupons
1 12pack popsicile firecracker $1.99
1 24 pack super hero popsiciles (little man on cloud nine so worth it!!) $2.99
-$4 ONYO from trans one
Tax $4.65 <-OUCH!!!
Total $45.63
Savings $72.80 or 64%
About.me bzz report
I was recently invited
to a bzz campign to try this website out. I think once this site really takes off that it will be a fun way to connect to people on all your social networking sites. How ever with out many of my acquaintances on the site I am struggling to find this site very useful in my everyday life. It doesn't allow for me to add the sites I use most often (coupon sites and cafemom mom) on to it. When this site gets bigger and more people are aware of it it will be a fun site to go to I for see.
Claritin childrens Syrup Bzz Agent Campign
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Four star Billy Blanks Tae Bo!!!!!!! Shipped $11.99 W/Prime
Save $27.99!! Now only $11.99 four star rated!! Ships free with Amazon Prime!!!
Post contains affiliate links
Zumba Round up on Amazon! 5 Star Rated!!!
Was $69.95 Now $54.95!!! Save $15!!! Ships free with prime!!!! 4 dvds with two weights!!!
Save $35.04 Now only $94.95!! Ships free with Prime!!!
Post contains Affialiate links
Safeway 5/18
4 Kettle Chips $7.96 <-rainchecked $1.99 from Monday
4 12 Packs $13.98
2 Wheat thins $0
1 Popsicle $1.99 (Thought it was $.99 darn it)
1 gallon Milk $2.49
2 Double Reach Toothbrushes $3.74
2 Batman Reach Toothbrushes $3.74
3 Sierra mist 2 liters $2.67
Total $40.31
-2 $2/2 Kettle chips
-$4.99 free 12 pack coupon
-$2/2 12 pack coke products albertsons book
-3 $.99 Free 2 liter WYB kettle chips coupon
-$3.75 Free milk cat
-4 $1/1 Reach toothbrush coupons
Tax $2.24
Total $17.10
Got back $4 ONYO for reach
And got a cat for a free minute maid drink?
Savings $57.85 or 80%!!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Safeway 5/16
3 Trop 50 5.97
-$2/3 Pepsi savor the moments insert
1 bag Chicken Breast $7.96
3 kellogs Frosted Mini Wheats Fruit filled $9.57
-$4.19 B1g1 Frosted mini wheats fruit filled vocalpoint home mailer autoed
-2 $1/1 Frosted mini wheats fruit filled vocalpoint home mailer
1 Regular Frosted mini wheat $2.19
4 Cocoa Puffs $14.76 <-BIG mess up on my part
1 Lays Kettle Chips $1.99
1 Sun Chips $2.99
-$2/2 Pepsi savor the moments insert
2 Sierra Mist Two litters $3.34
-$3.32 Pepsi savor the moments insert free 2 liter wyb chips (off a penny with math in head 3/$5)
-$8 Buy four cereal Save $1 Event
-2 $5 hallmark cats
Tax $.31
Total $14.77
Got back a cat for free Milk for buying three general mills cereal
Savings $52.79 or 78%
Albertsons 5/16
Ra 5/16
Considering i spent less then 2 packs of diapers way happy!!! not best oop if i had talked to kim sooner about the huggies uh oh and done a kotex instead. Oh well i needed diapers!!!
Trans 1
15 Sobes $15
2 calgons $7.98
1 Huggies $9.59 <-ugh our sale was $10 so gold was less meaning i had to get three packs:(
Total $32.57
-$2 Insert huggies coupon
-3 $1.50/5 sobe life water
-2 $1 Calgon ips
-$16 in ups
Tax $2.33
total $7.40
Got back 3 $1 UP+, 2 $2 UP+ for Calgon
Trans 2
10 Sobe $10
1 Pack of diapers $9.59
Total $19.59
-$3 Huggies IP
-2 $1.50/5 Sobe Life water
-$7 In UPS
Tax $1.54
Total $5.13
Got back 2 $1 UP+
Was short less then $1 for the huggies now know i could have done kotex GRRRR
Trans 3
1 pack huggies
-$2 insert coupon
-$1/1 Survey coupon
-$2 in ups
Tax $.80
Paid $5.39
got back $5 UP+ for kimberly clark
Trans 4
1 Childrens miracle network balloon $1
2 prescriptions $0
Total $1
Trans 5
4 bags of candy $2
1 prescription $0
Total $2
Wags 5/16
1 Dove Deodorant for men $3.99
2 Soft Soap $6
1 Cottonelle Toliet paper $5
1 Highlighter $.29
Tax $1.42
Total $16.70
-$1 Dove Deo For Men home mailer
-$1 Cottonelle coupon from wags month book
-2 $5 rr
2 $1 RR
Total $2.70
Savings $20.08
Got back $4rr for soft soap and $3 rr for dove deo
Covergirl 50th Anniversary!!!
There is tons of fun things to do on CoverGirl's Facebook page for their 50th Avnniversary!!!!
Because I am a Bzz Agent they gave me the heads up on CoverGirl's 50th Anniversary celebrating on their Facebook page! 3
So don't forget to head over to CoverGirl and check out all the fun!!!
Bio True Evaluation for Buzz Agent
he Bio True contact solution!! I have had no reactions to the solution when i switched!!! I am very pleased with how clean my contacts are and I am able to wear them for long periods of time even with out them drying out. Will look for this in stores more!!! Truly an awesome product!!!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
QFC runs for mega sale
5/10 Transaction Got messed up turns out i grabbed the wrong soups:( I'll list out my first one then what they did to fix it. Love my QFC they are awesome!!
8 Campbells Soups $11.60 <-this is were i grabbed the wrong ones :(
1 Kraft BBQ $1<-No mega discount because the campbells was wrong
1 Rice Cakes $1.25 <-No mega discount because the campbells was wrong
5 Fresh Express salad kits $7.45
9 Quaker Rice Cakes $11.25
12 Campbells Soups $15
2 Ragu $3.98
2 All Detergent $5.98
2 Capri Suns $3.98
Total $61.49
-$15 in Mega Sale (should have been twenty)
-5 $.40/4 Campbells Cooking soups
-$.50 Albertsons manu coupon for Kraft BBQ 18oz
-5 $.55/2 Rice Cakes insert coupon
-5 $.50 Fresh Express Insert coupon
-$1/2 Ragu IP
-2 $1.50 All free and clear with Oxi clean Insert coupon
-$.12 Bag Credit
Tax $.83<-WEIRD shoulda been higher
Total $35.85
Savings $60.42 or 63%
Return Trans
-$11.60 For wrong campbles
$10 for 8 Campbells soup
-$5 Mega sale for the missed one cause of the mess up
Refund $6.60
So total OOP was $29.25!!!!
5/14 Transactions
Trans one
4 Dozen Eggs $3.96
1 Strawberry $1.50
1 V8 $2.50
-$2.50 Free v8 (were handing out at the store we donated to the food drive there)
Total $5.46
Savings $10.48 or 66%
Had forgotten coupons at home so we went back home after seeing they had stock of the all and a couple mens nivea
Trans 2
4 Mens Nivea $15.96
3 Fresh Express $5.97 <-didn't see this had gone up :( Oh well good for me to eat:)
4 Campbells Soups $5.32 <-ugh these were marked wrong to dang and i over bought an item for mega
13 All Laundry Detergernt $38.87
2 Quarts Ice Cream $3.98
4 Dozen Eggs $3.96
1 Strawberry $1.50
Total $75.58
-$5 Mega savings
-13 $1.50/1 all oxi free and clear coupon coupon
-5 $3 coupons? I only gave him four not sure were five came from?
-$.18 bag credit
Tax $4.91 <-OUCH!!!!!
Total $35.81
Total Savings $104.41 or 77%
Friday, May 13, 2011
Rite Aid trips 5/12
1 Tylonel Precise $5
4 Schick travel 2 pack $4.12
2 Skittles $.88
3 2liters of pepsi $3.81
Total $13.81 <-both cashier and i got over $16? when we did the math at the store?
Tax $1.20
-$5 Tylonel Precise
-4 $1/1 Schick insert coupon
-$.88 ($1/2 adjusted) Skittles coupon
Total $2.13
Trans 2
1 Precise $5
1 Schick Razor 2 pack $1.03
-$5 Precise
-$1 Schick insert
Tax $.56
Total $.59
Trans 3
1 Precise $5
-$5 precise coupon
Tax $.46
Total $.46
Trans 4
1 Table utility $29.99
Tax $2.79
Total $29.78
Will get back $5 SCR
Fred meyer 5/12
Trans one
4 12 packs of pepsi $13
-$3 in ad coupon
1 Covergirl Eye Shadow $3.49
1 Covergirl Mascara $8.99
-$2.50/2 covergirl
-$8.99 Free mascara when you buy any covergirl in ad coupon
1 Lemon $.69
4 Marie Calendar crutons $3.98
2 Bags of salad $1.76
2 lbs of carots $2.49
Red apples $2.99
Tax $1.25
Total $24.08
Trans 2
4 12 packs of pepsi $13
-$3 in ad coupon
1 Covergirl Eye Shadow $3.49
1 Covergirl Mascara $8.99
-$2.50/2 covergirl
-$8.99 Free mascara when you buy any covergirl in ad coupon
3 kettle Chips $5 <-ugh i only got two :( got overcharge
-2 $1/1 insert coupons
6 powerades $3
-$.15 Bag credit
Tax $1.63
Total $19.47
Trans 3
4 12 packs of pepsi $13
-$3 in ad coupon
1 Covergirl Eye Shadow $3.49
1 Covergirl Mascara $8.99
-$2.50/2 covergirl
-$8.99 Free mascara when you buy any covergirl in ad coupon
1 Package of chicken breast $10.18
1 Package bakery rolls $2.29
2 Green onions $1
-$.10 bag credit
Tax $1.25
Total $25.61
Monday, May 9, 2011
Fred meyer 5/9
Trans 1
3 Fisher Price Toys $14.97
Tax $1.39
Total $16.36
Will mail in reciept for a free little peoples lunch box with purchase of $10 or more!!
Trans 2
4 12 packs Pepsi products $13
-$3 in ad coupon
2 Bag salads $1.76
9 Kettle Chips $15 <-thought i got 10?
-10 $1 kettle chips not sure how the tenth went through?
2 Curtons $1.99 (Bogo sale)
10 Rice A Roni $10
-$3.10 in ad coupon
5 Challenge Tuscan Butter $7.50
-5 $1/1 Insert coupons
15 powerade $7.50
1 pack english muffins $1.99
1 Covergirl Eye shadow $3.49
1 Covergirl mascara $9.99
-$2.50 /2 covergirl insert coupons
-$9.99 free mascara with covergirl purchase in ad coupon <-Give last
1 Girl Pants $4.78 (40% off lowest price)
2 Rug runners $23.96 (40% off lowest price)
1 1/2 gallon of milk $1.75
1 loaf of bread $.99
1 Jello Mousse Temptations $3
-$3 Free coupon from Kraft first taste
1 bag of carrots $1.49
-$.30 bag credit
Tax $4.62
Total $108.58
Trans 3 (Darn shoes on the way out :))
3 pairs kids sandals $11.97
4 12 packs of Pepsi $13
-$3 Pepsi in ad coupon
Tax $2.04
Total $24.01
$.02 a wipe shipped to your door!!!!!!!!!!!!
$13.99 or $.03 a wipe
OR if you subscribe or save $9.79 or $.02 a wipe if you do the subscribe and save these are cheaper then the regular wipes on amazon. I love this think pampers wipes they compare well to huggies in my opinion
$24.28 ($.03 a wipe) or $20.81 with subscribe and save ($.03 a wipe)
With amazon mom (FREE to join!!)) and subscribe and save $17.14 or $.02 a wipe!!!!
$21.73 or $.03 a wipe
With subscribe and save and Amazon mom $15.21 or $.02 a wipe!!!!
$21.19 or $.03 a wipe!!
OR with subscribe and save and amazon mom $14.83 or $.02 a wipe!!!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Amazing Amazon Snack deals!!!
144 bars!! Comes to $.29 a bar!!!! Ships free with prime!!!!
Subscribe and save only $10.57 or $.35 each!!!! Ships free with prime!
Subscribe and save only $9.89 or $.24 a Gripz pack!!! Ships free with prime
This post contains Affiliate links
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Inbox Dollars!! What is it and does it work?
Inbox dollars is several different things rolled into one rewards program. The down fall to it is you have to hit $30 before you can cash out but getting there is fun and a goal that is very much achievable. There are ways to get there fast and isn’t too hard to do. This is some ways to build up the earnings faster!!
First step sign up here!!You will automatically get a $5 sign up bonus. Yes the $5 bonus will count towards the $30 cash out amount!!!
After you get all signed up be sure to install the toolbar. You will also earn a $1 just for doing this task. There are MANY benefits to have it installed in on your browser. You will get faster alerts for emails for both paid to read emails and surveys as well. As well as the paid emails and surveys you will have quick and easy access to the TV were you can earn money and also you can search from the tool bar as well for money
The way I do inbox dollars.
Once a day I will open a new browser window (normally after 7 or 8 pm for me). I will click on the emails icon on the tool bar. From there I will open any paid emails that were actually emailed me but without opening my email itself. You click on the icon confirm paid email it will open the content in a new tab and then you close the email. And repeat with the next new email listed. But after all the emails are read/clicked I can close the browser and they will all be gone and done with money in the account and credited. Most emails are $.02 but for how easy it is to do it works. Also the more emails you do the more you seem to get. I try to do mine daily for that reason.
The TV is easy to do daily as well. When you click to open the TV you always get a 3-4 question survey to screen you into the commercials to watch. I normally try to answer yes or as many of the choices as possible. This is what preselects you to show up and the number of videos you get. Again the more you do on a regular basis the more you get. I keep a piece of paper by the computer so I can write down the numbers from the ad to verify you viewed the video like a captcha. . After some of the videos you will be entered to win different sweepstakes and prizes so it could get even better for you if you win one of those!!! Most videos range from $.02-$.04 super simple and easy to do.
The surveys are kinda boring but hey anything for money right? I do my surveys as well from the tool bar as well. If you don’t qualify it will kick you out fast so no worries about wasting tons of time. Also if you have any referrals this is how you make money off them by them completing surveys. For each survey attempt or completion you get entered into a sweepstakes.
As well as those three key things there are other ways to earn through inbox dollars. There are special offers you can complete, printing of coupons, tasks, shopping, and games. I have mainly personally stuck to the surveys, e-mails, and videos. Though now that I know the tasks are there I am going to look further into those.
Referrals are great to have. You can earn money 10% of their qualified earnings without really working for it!!!
So what has my earnings been like? Let me tell you
I signed up in end of November/early December
Dec 31st I was at $6.34
Jan 31st I hit $12.95 <-this was mainly emails and a couple surveys as they didn’t have the videos yet
April 2 I was at $17.50 This was with some slacker time and aggressive time. Onc ei realized the more often I was doing emails the more often I got them. Same with surveys and the videos
May 4 I was at $20.91 that was with between April 2 and May 4 clicking emails daily
Like I said at the beginning not a HUGE thing but every little bit helps. I am hoping to cash out by the end of June and then my next goal is three months. I do my coupon printing and most my online shopping through Mypoints but if a retailer isn’t there I will look here or Swagbucks.
Be sure to comment if you have any questions!!!!!!
Rite Aid trip 5/5
1 Slime $3.49 (50% off 6.99) <-Awesome sensory play!!
1 Allegra $5.59
1 Oral B Advantage $2.79 <-gold was cheaper then sale
1 Oral B 3 d White $2.99
Tax $1.51
Total $17.74
-$5 Allegra coupon
-2 $1.50 Oral b Coupon
-$5 in ups
Total $1.74
Got back 2 $2 ups.
Was worth the $1 burn just for the slime!!!! AHHHH
Got a survey from this one and also from my pharamcy pick up
Safeway 5/5
Trans one
$25 starbucks card
$25 JcPenny card
3 Hallmark cards $5.97
Total $.56
Total $56.53
Got back $10 ONYO and $5 ONYO
Trans 2
5 Welchs Grape Juic $12.45
3 Hallmark cards $5.97
1 Sugar free choc chip cookies $3.99 <- for an event tonight
1 Apple pie no sugar added $7.99 <-For an even tonight
2 Marzeti Otria Dip $6.98
Tax $1.25
Total $38.63
-$5 WYB $1 Per item
-5 $1 Welchs Insert coupons
-$5 ONYO From Hallmark
-$10 ONYO From gift cards
-2 $3.49 Marzeti dip Buzz Campign
Total $6.65
Savings $36.99 Or 87%
Got back $5 ONYO
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Wags 5/2
2 Head and shoulders $8
1 Gillette Profusion $9.89
2 pencils $.38
Tax $1.70
Total $19.97
-$4 Bogo Head and Shoulders insert coupon
-$2/1 head and shoulders home mailer
-$4 Profusion Insert coupon
-2 $3 rr from last week
Total $3.97
Got back $4 rr and $5 rr
Trans 2
One Gillette Profusion $9.89
1 Pencil $.19
Tax $.94
-$3 rr
-$4 Manu
Total $4.02
Trans 3-5
1 Fixodent Cleanser $3.99
-$3 insert coupon
Tax $.37
Total $1.36
Got back $1 RR
QFC 5/3
-$5/$50 From Entertainment book
-4 $1.50/1 all free oxi clear
-13 $1/1 All
-$.12 bag credit
Tax $4.73
Total $31.44
Savings $75!!! or 73%
Rite Aid Trips 5/2 & 5/3
Trans one
Nivea SunKiss Legs with bonus $7.99
-$2 Coupon from sunday rp
Tax $.74
Total $6.79
Got back $5 UP+
Trans 2
1 Dove mens Deo $3.83
2 Revlon Tweezers $2.98
-$5 UP+
Tax $.63
Total $2.44
Got back $4 UP+, $3 for mens deo
Trans 3
3 Glitter books $4.77
1 Seasame street coloring books $1.59
1 My little Ponies $1.59
2 Gillette Power Fusion $19.98
1 Crest 3d $2.99
Total $30.92
-2 $4 Fusion manu
-$1 crest manu
Tax $2.88
total $3.04
Got back 2 $5 UP+, 1 $2 Crest, 5 $1 UP+ for books
Trans one
1 Conair Hair cutter $15.99 (20% off 19.99)
1 Conair Straightener $23.99 (20% off $29.99)
1 Crest 3d Toothpaste $2.99
Total $42.97
-$20 allergy rewards
-$21 in UP+
Tax $4.07
Total $4.97
Got back $10 UP+ and $2 UP+
L'Oreal One Sweep Eye Shadow and Double Extend Eye Illumenator Mascara
I opted to start the girly routine before I went to Hawaii. I typically will wear mascara and that is it.
So the eye shadow was very easy to use!! All I did was sweep it on the brush and then over my eyes very simple and easy to do!! However it wasn't a color combo that worked for me. I would love to see this in a different type of color but the idea behind it was amazing!!
How ever the mascara!! OMG I never thought i would be a woman to rave about a mascara but this one is just amazing!!! I never understood what the whole separate and extend crap meant but man this stuff does it!! I have gotten so many compliments on it and I even went and got two more tubes of it to have in case this one runs out or I loose it. Its clearly labeled one and two which for me the clueless and ditzy was great!!!
My trip to hawaii!!!
Another tip i got there was to go to Walmart for souvenirs!!!We bulk bought postcards there, keychains for hubbys staff, and we got cute stuff at kmart for our children. It was insane the price differences from there to the regular stores but it was worth comparing. Looking into local stores helped us to know were we were going for things specifically and also where things were to save on gas from in the rental car.
We rented a ccar through budget. We used coupon codes from costco to get $30 a day off and a free GPS and second driver. We did the prepaid gas refill which was great cause the last day we were there gas jumped $.05 a gallon.
His company paid for the airfare (We flew on hawaiin great customer service!!) and the hotel. We paid for the rental car and our meals.
Now for the good stuff the pictures!!!
Another view from the top!!