All one trans should have been less but i grabbed all the poptarts for smores they had darn picky kids. Hoping they get more in
6 poptarts $12
1 ducolax $10.39 (12.99 20% off)
6 rolaids $6
4 tums $4
2 nivea body wash $9.58 (20% off 5.99)
1 mens body wash $1.99
1 colgate $2.95 (gosh darn lost
Total $45.91<- man i was worried!!
-$1 Duracell
-$4 in ad ducolax
-$4 ducolaxx manu
-$1 total colgate
-3 $1/2 poptart coupons
-3 $4/2 rolaids
-2 $1/2 tums
-$1/1 nivea womens
-B1G1 womens
-b2womens g1 mens free
Total $6.93
Tax $2.78 <-ouch
Total $9.71
total savings $73.26:atnight:
Recieved back $9 UP+!!!

Okay lots of mistakes! UGH they were out of the prohealht so i had to subsitute in. i just realized my juice isn't even on the reciept? Though it was on the screen there how odd.... I added in way more extra then i needed to. Though i had m ore e-coupons on the mortons but only one.
2 bulls eye bbq $4.50
1 kraft dressing $2
1 mortonsn season all $2.29
2 classico $4.98
1 Crackerfuls $2.50
1 tide stain realase $7.49
10 Gold n soft butter $9.90
1 Soft scrub extend a spray $7.99 <-ouch they upped the price but no cat deal:(
1 travel tide $.99 (was hoping e-coupons came off no go)
1 suave conditioner $2.29
1 mom to mom wipes $5.49
4 Scrubbing bubbles $7.96
total $ 58.38
-$.55 lawrys e-coupon
-$3 tide e-coupon
-2 $1 glade e-coupon
-$2 claisco in ad coupon
-$1 Kraft dressing safeway coupon
-$1 Mom to mom coupon
-$3 tide stain release coupon
-$5 scrubbing bubles insert extend a clean
-2 $2.25 free bbq sauce
-$3 Suave free coupon autoed
-$2.50 free crackerfuls
-5 $1.50/2 gold n soft butter
-$.35/1 kraft peelie
-$.55 mortons
-$1 Tide coupon
i just realized my albertsons manu didn't come off
-2 $2 ONYO
Total $17.69 total
Total savings $61.12
Recieved 2 $2 ONYO and 5 $.75 ONNYO